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We will all be there
Global movement supporting all members of the human family in exercising their innate and absolute freedom beyond the constraints of rogue governments
Its mission is to support the people to manifest a new vision for their community, one heart at a time, community by community, for the people by the people to leave a legacy of a beautiful world for the future generations and restore their true sovereigntyhttps://www.restorationplan.global/
We will all be there
Earth is one massive living organism.
An infinity of life forms coexist interdependently.
Humanity has a major influence over other terrestrial realms.
Each human being is a unique and individualized cell of the planet.
Resilience of an organism is maintained when its cells are fully free to play their roles at the service of the Whole and its parts.
"I am the first to use the Universal pass on my trip from Greece to Italy and really
throughout the journey they became magical! "
Rossella Rubini