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What is OPPT?


Ego Emi We aims to transmit the principles and information regarding the Public Trust of One People (OPPT) in Greece as well. As souls incarnate on this planet we must connect with our soul and act as eternal beings with every right to Freedom and Joy.

We have direct contact with similar groups around the world and with free souls with whom we are bound by eternity ties and we are already creating a series of translations of similar files, documents as well as compilations of important videos.

We believe in the connection with the soul as human beings and in a life of justice with all beings in harmony and abundance as beings of the Creator on this Planet.

We communicate the spiritual and the practical part with full respect knowing that in Greece there is a gathering of many old souls incarnated to play a role in the evolution of humanity.

To be in We must go through the Ego Emi with full presence and fearlessness, with confidence in the memories of our soul and the Creator. Our Greek language is a valuable tool that connects and awakens.

Gratitude and Confidence in who we are.

Free and sovereign living men and women on planet Earth as incarnations of the eternal and incorruptible Essence.

And that's how it is. WE ARE

Our goal is in the future as citizens of the Earth to act through these documents with a new way of governing based on equality and abundance as a collective soul that passes through each Ego Emi of its people and to claim in Greece as it happens in in other parts of the globe participating in this abundance as people.



The documents of the Public Trust of One People that were revealed to the world on December 25, 2012 caused a shock at that time as they revealed to many the illusion of a system of slavery under which humanity lives.

Since then, this action has become a popular movement with the participation of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. The world is changing rapidly as the vibrations of the earth change, the rotten system is revealed and humanity evolves consciously on multiple levels. OPPT while it started dynamically in 2012 went through a period of apparent pause as the planet as well as humanity is going through a period of transition and this very movement had to go through the EGO of the people who started operating it in the EGO WE ARE through conscious people , connected with their soul and with the collective good. This action was reactivated again starting from Italy by people who participated in the initial teams last year at the beginning of the Covid crisis and the first lockdown. Is this a coincidence? Of course not. Humanity is already more prepared. The crisis that's seemingly wants man to be a slave is essentially the beginning of a new consciousness that can help liberate people. Everything if we see them as part of the divine plan.

Since the new activation of OPPT until today, several thousand people from all over the world are participating in it and new countries and people are joining this movement. The participants in this movement all want the same thing. They seek their freedom from the old system of slavery and the choice to live their lives according to their own free will as a sovereign being on this planet, who is accountable only to his Creator and his soul and rights in abundance. and the wealth of this planet through the respect of other beings who coexist with it. OPPT combines the spiritual understanding and evolution of man through the connection with his soul and flow, through the understanding of non-accumulation with the practical part through these documents.

The current systems of modern slavery through dependence on money and fear have failed and are held only by artificial means, they have essentially been revealed and confiscated through the documents of One People and the time when they will completely collapse is not far off. These documents open the door to possibilities that allow people to free themselves from these failed systems and to co-create a new system according to the wishes and free will of each active person as a dominant person in the Ego We, in We are the Being, for the highest good of all through which we can prosper and shine as humanity.

What is the Public Trust of a People?

• The Public Trust (Trust) of One People consists of each person on planet Earth, the planet itself and the Creator.

• Trustees are a group of highly qualified individuals, including legal professionals, who, in collaboration with an active group in the financial system, have conducted extensive investigations into the massive fraud and theft that has taken place against humanity by private companies. for their own benefit.

• After great prudence, the OPPT concluded that companies operating under the guise of popular government and financial systems have committed treason against the people of this planet without the knowledge, will and consent of the people.

• Through a series of records of the existence of each individual on this planet, land, air, sea and all creation on the whole, all illegal property claims and illegal management and control actions by the privileged representatives and beneficiaries of the former system were canceled by law of their own free will without having repaired the damage they have caused.

  • The final report from the OPPT investigation can be found at the link of the description below:

OPPT guards, protects and preserves all beings including gold and silver that have been misused in the past and abused by the banking system. One People on Planet Earth and all beings are guarded, preserved and protected in the Trust, as sovereign individuals alike, and are the sole legal issuers of any REPRESENTATION of value and especially of foreign exchange, of monetary value.

  • The supposedly existing banking system no longer has banking assets.

The depositors have returned and distributed a significant amount of value to each person, a price that can pay off each person's debt many times over and over again.

Of course, this is not mandatory. All debts have been nullified by the fact that the banks chose not to provide valid documentary evidence that a loan was ever made, by law, as a fact, and as a public policy, and so the banks chose, through their own free will, to seize themselves.

  • At the same time as the documents mentioned and available to any interested sovereign on the planet, the custodians created a new system of government that replaces the old one called Creator Value Asset Centers or CVACs.

This system is the opposite of the corrupt, externally controlled theft system that existed before with the title governments.

  • CVACs operate primarily in commerce, in law, protected by public policy, registered as wholly owned, with full title, value and rights, together and equally to every sovereign of the One People of this planet. They are guaranteed to be completely transparent entities that exist only to serve the people of this planet by providing any system of assistance to people where it is deemed necessary or desirable and these systems are prevented from interfering in any aspect that violates the Free Will of every human being. Every human being is the Sovereign, a soul incarnate on Planet Earth with equal rights and so is treated by this system of CVAK which operates under the guidance and participation of fully conscious individuals connected to their soul.

  • The CVAC system is being developed all over the world, fully interconnected in a network structure and operated only by committed and sovereign people who act as public officials (employees) who serve them with full responsibility and obligations at all times. Every person on this planet is served by CVACs and their affiliates. Every former nation (state) on this planet has a CVAC annex specifically for it. This amazing example of change is just the beginning of what will be developed from now on. A new system of economy is built on the basis of where people work in flow and not in accumulation, which allows abundance at all levels on this planet such as material, health, joy and so on.

Why is everyday life the way it is today and it is the same without seeming to have changed anything?

  • The old system is in denial at the moment even though there are discussions and negotiations at higher levels and the existence of the Trust is kept out of the limelight in order for the old corporate system to seduce the people of One People of this planet as it always does. The implementation and operation of CVACs will rectify the situation. A first CVAC is already operating in Italy.

  • However, you have these documents at your disposal and that is a fact, it already happens. You are now becoming part of this example of change. These documents and this information provided are a legitimate challenge to reach out to people who are unaware of the new system and who use the old slavery and dependency system.

  • This old and rotten system knowingly, deliberately, and with the intention of trying to usurp, invade, cancel, violate, subjugate, degrade every human being on this planet.

  • These documents are also an invitation to people to participate with transparency and integrity in the greatest and most exciting period of change that has ever taken place on this planet.

  • In the coming months and years to come, our world will change beyond imagination. He will become unrecognizable. Our true story will be revealed along with the system of slavery under which we live. Advanced technologies that are hidden from humanity such as new energy production, advanced health and transportation machinery will be revealed. Wars, disease and infection will be a thing of the past.

  • Each of us needs to do our own research. It takes patience as we develop our own understanding of what is happening and what we are doing with this information only as it becomes fully understood within us.

There are many groups around the world who have their own strategies on how to use and utilize these files to help people free themselves and many who are working to promote this information out there as the CVAC system prepares.

A few days after the publication of the second Official Announcement of the Popular Consortium of One People, the transcribed text of an interview given by the protagonist of LAKTEL appeared on the Internet, like a machine god. Heather Anne Tuci Jaraf to Brian Kelly, webmaster of American Kambuki ( ). After the desperately twisted speech of the two announcements and the almost incomprehensible meanings of their sentences, a text in plain human language finally came to shed some light on the darkness and give some useful information about what was said in the announcements.

The photos of the website are by Luminus and Sotiris Zafeiris and are dedicated to humanity as a sharing of her memory. They come from the project Places of Light - Lightscapes and were created during the last 10 years.

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