Exploring the Self
Since I remember myself I was feeling a deep connection with the Universe and questioning my existence. I was questioning what is life and how to become a better person, finding my purpose. Now I have realised there is no purpose and the only purpose is maybe only to become better and to be happy, to live in the here and now. I started meditating when I was 13 when I was looking at the stars and traveling mentally seeing from the Galaxy my existence, how small I am, a nothing but also the galaxy itself. At the same age I wrote 2 books "Return from the Future " and "The journey to infinity" trying to answer the questions.
I had two life changing experiences in 1995 when I was shocked by a personal awakening when time stopped and felt in my core the bliss of infinity and eternity, I felt the duality and my self as a tiny part of a huge clock that is so much nothing but also of major importance if this goes out of the clock, the clock will collapse. I meditate many years now in silence and I believe in faith, I have understood that also being humble is important if you want to evolve and life to treat you with magic.
I constant change through the relationships with the Self and especially with other people, they are my biggest teachers for growing. The final goal, the purpose of each one of us I think is the constant joy and living constantly in the "Here and Now", a walk towards enlightment. Through this journey I meet extraordinary people who helped me go through life experience changes in life and to whom I am greatful for.
I am particularily interested on relationships and how these can work and through my personal experiences. I know and feel that when people get more compassionate and undertand each other with acceptance and love then this world can become a better place. During this journey I helped organising in Greece Spiritual Events with acclaimed international spiritual teachers. I believe that everyone firstly has to have an obligation to change-transform himself and then to be useful in his society and planet.
Solaris from Tarkovsky is a film that speaks to my heart as what life is. Actually I feel life as an illusion, a dream of a bigger image and we are called to awake on this and realise that we can change the dream and make it as we wish to experience it. Part of the ocean
Sea, Sun and the forests: Nature loving
I have lived in the past in Lesvos Island and Fuerteventura of the Canary Islands, where I worked there as a photographer and photography teacher and artist, got inspired and inspired people with many creative activities. Being in nature is my ultimate goal. I love being in nature, walk barefoot, smell the trees in the forest, feel the air on my face, breath the sea, swin in it and walk in the rivers. My plan for the future is to have a house by the sea, make walks and explore the nature and constantly enjoy the sun and the fresh air.
When you connect with nature you discover the true self, the silence that is inside you, when you hear the birds and the water is one of the most amazing experiences in life. Is our true nature.

Cooking and tasting
If I was not a photographer I might be a chef. I love cooking and tasting great food but especially share it with people. I only cook when I feel inspired and when this happens I use my instict to mix igredients to the preferable result without measuring anything. Below are some of the dishes I have created in the past with the love of sharing it with others and tasting together. Most of the dishes below are raw food dishes as I used to be a raw vegan for years. I love fresh veggies, tropical fruits and cheese! I experience food as a full senses experience. I see it,touch it, smell it, hear it and tasting it...eating is a ritual and cooking too and should be treated like this as it blesses our body:
Some of my recipes

Carrots, fresh coriander, tomato, onion, olive oil and a pinch of lime!

Raw peas (slightly boiled), dill, carrots, onions, tomato, olive oil and lemon

With sunseeds, sesame and a pinch of balsamic vinegar

I love these amazing sweets which I make them with almonds, dates, sesame and cinnamon with honey...deliscious

made this one early summer and was very refreshing! Ingredients included tomatoes, olives, virgin olive oil, cucumber, baslamic vinegar, onion and a few basil leaves...enjoy!
Vegan and vegetarian
We are what we eat. Eating healthy organic food and with compassion to the animals takes care your consiousness but also your physical health. As Hippocrates said "You are what you eat" I am into a healthy eating lifestyle for many years now. I support eating only plant based products but also veganism although these days I also eat dairy products as cheese and yoghurt are my favorites. I used to be a raw vegan. Some of my recipes are raw vegan recipes. If man stop eating animals this world will be sure better with less cruelty and more wisdom
e-Books Publishing
I have been co-creator of X-Way series with e-books for Amazon. Through these series I have created and published 4 books as a co writer , photographer and writer and also as a publisher. Click the links below to check the books on Amazon.
Social solidarity and compassion
For many years I have been working on projects of social solidarity. Compassion is the core igredient for every human being to evolve. We are beings that only with this quality we should make this world better. In the past I have created "Luminus Butterfly" a concept where videos present social solidarity projects from citizens who are activists in their city and create events that can change the life of thousands for a better life. Luminus Butterfly is a promotional medium of these projects which as they are united under the same umbrella can act as a fist and not single fingers and the fist can break the apathy and fear in our modern world.
Philosophy, History and Mythology
I love history and ancient mythology. Greece is a wonderful place, is the "Land of Light" and its history is very interesting to explore and learn from it. Since I was a young boy I always wanted to be an archaeologist. From Greece's ancient history and mythology but also philosophy we learn another way of thinking and being. History always fascinates me. Did you know that Naos of Epikouros Apollo (the Parthenon of Peloponesse) is a rotating temple or Nemea has an ancient stadium and exists in the triangle of Acropolis, Afaia Aegina and Olympia in the sympolises the strength that connects this light?